

yesterday morning, moosie crawled up on my recliner next to me, breath full of bubble gum stank.

"what did you eat? dude you STINK"

"thanks mom. (he thanks you if you tell him his farts stink too, he IS his fathers son after all) its yogurt. pink and purple kind. i wanted the orange and yellow but then i picked this one because its so much tastier"

"sick. you CHOSE to eat something that is bubblegum flavored?"

"uh huh. and now my friends are in my tummy"

"your friends?"

"yea, my friends. they are all cozy and warm in my tummy and soon they will be born."

oh christ. this is all my fault. appearently i didnt explain this all better when at the tender age of 2, we had the talk about the birds and the bees:

"bubby, mama is pregnant. youre going to have a little brother. see mommys tummy, theres a baby in there."

with a face stricken of sheer pain and horror he said "mommy, did you EAT my little brother?"

that right there just screams 'child prodigy'. hey folks, they might not be mensa material, but damn are they cute.

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