

in recognition for today, i wanted to share a little dooce wisdom:

"And that is why I am voting for John Kerry. Because I am afraid for my rights as a woman and as a citizen of the USA with George Bush as president, someone who believes that he has been called of his God to lead this country against evil-doers. The line between what he is doing in Iraq and what terrorists continue to do to innocent people is too thin, as they believe they are called by their God as well. Not everyone’s God can be right."

today ive done my part. i woke up and went to vote. please go out and vote (but not for bush) because for the love of God, i dont want to have to start killing people. well maybe i do a little.

update: and to further prove my point about bush supporters, i felt the need to include a little humor i found on cate's blog:

worst. reasoning. ever.
i know, i know, i'm not that "political posting" kind of girl, but i had to share what i heard in the lunch room today.

"i don't really like bush, but i'm voting for him because i feel like he got us into this shitty war and he should have to get us out"


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