

anyone that has had to deal with me on a real life basis for the past two weeks realizes what a total cranky bitch ive been. and they will all get over it. so hush already. im being a wench. i get it.

but oh happy day. here are some of the things that make me happy today:

1. Haagen-Daz has released its Bailey's Ice Cream again. for the record ive been awaiting this moment for a very.long.time. and for those interested, i am so delighted that i think i might have just peed a little.

2. I was driving to the store after I dropped the kids off at school, when on the radio they were talking about horrible gift people. one woman called in and said that after her wedding/baby shower, and for her daughters birthday and such, she would just wrap all the stuff back up and give it as a gift. she said she even gives the SAME item back to who she received it from and would tell them that she liked it so much she bought them one. how terrible is that? man i love that chick. shes my new hero. its no secret that i myself have been known to buy a dress for say, a wedding, wear it with the tags still on, then return it the next day. and my mother insists that im going to hell for it. but at least now i will have some company. yay to me and gift whore girl!

3. im beginning to think this love i have for green day is unhealthy. i mean, its not like i dress up like a rockstar and dance around my room singing all their songs into a hairbrush. much. but in my defense, the obsession has been going on for a decade. so at this point, its useless to seek help. it even says so in the restraining orders.

4. i have this habit of waiting until the sun comes up to send my ass to bed. that makes for a bad idea when you have 2 small dependent monsters. so last night i went to bed at 8pm. i know, im just as shocked. but as i was falling asleep i watched 'elf'. ok, bad movie. it wasnt terrible or anything, im just still recovering from the horrid plot. when i woke up this morning, and about every hour since, i get these little flashes of the scene where will ferrell runs and jumps at the christmas tree to put the star on top, and the tree falls over. it makes me laugh at completely inappropriate times. which makes it even funnier. ahhh yes, good stuff.

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