

word of warning: any decent size mixture of pills should be taken with food. despite what the doctors or pharmacists tell you, it is necessary. just ask my former stomach.

let me tell you. all these years i have been afraid of puking. and now, its not so much the puking that bothers me. its the crippling dry-heaving that does it. and i know this because after you throw up the pills and 2 sips of coke you downed them with, your stomach will give you the next hour full of gut wrenching dry-heaves just for good measure. in case those few dime sized pills didnt all come out the first time along with your spleen and other semi-vital organs. and usually, when im finished, my face is soaking wet. from all the hysterical. from all the sobbing. but today, as this dry-heaving was being had, my eyes were watering profusely. as if to say "maybe if we get all wet, we'll slide right out of her head and end all this torture." what a crock of shit. it should be one or the other. when i run for president, i will outlaw dry-heaving. as it is the most pointless pain ever.

and while im on the topic, i wouldnt laugh about me becoming president. after watching the debates, it appears the only qualification now days is to talk with your hands a lot and speak like a horses ass. oh yea, and have the intelligence of a potato.

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