

holy crap.

to the dismay of my friends and family, i am still alive. sorry bout yer luck fuckers.

i am delighted to inform you that the reason for my lengthy absence was directly due to my extensive research on the giant anteater in its natural habitat. no wait, it was just because the electric company shut of my power. bastards.

quick recap on the past months...
- we have moved back in with the parents. the parents, meaning mine. mom, i love you tremendously... but that doesnt mean i wont hunt you while you sleep. for sport, of course. youd look lovely stuffed and mounted somewhere else.
- men are like pogo sticks on ice. as fun as it sounds, its just a bad idea.
- Beez is finally walking. he is officially the laziest child ever. and Moosie is now smarter than i am.
- in sticking with tradition, i am about to make yet another career choice. and with that tradition, comes the ever popular, failure. something tells me this time im on the right track. then again, that same something told me to marry El Disastro. least this idea will provide some income.
- im still poor. im still obsessively nervous. and im still bitter. but at least im really really good at all three now.

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